Thursday 18 February 2010

Leyend of the Tower of London

The Tower of London is, officially, the Royal palace and fortress of His Majesty, though the last leader who resided in it was Jacobo I (1566-1625).

The complex has been used as fortress, armory, store of the exchequer, palace, palace of detention, observatory, refuge and prison, especially for prisoners of "high class ".

The legend says that it is possible to see Ana Bolena executed by perfidy to the king Enrique VIII, walk along the Tower with her head under the arm.

Sunday 14 February 2010

Jack the Ripper

Jack the Ripper began his career probably on August 31, 1888.
The first official crime is that of August 31, 1888, Mary Ann Nicholls (so called Polly), a prostitute and an alcoholic, who died violently. According to the coroner " The wounds produced to the victim have been done by an expert person, who did the cuts accurately and cleanly ".
The second crime happened on September 8 of the same year. Annie Chapman (prostitute and alcoholic, like the other one) is murdered of the same way.
On September 27, the police received the first letter signed for "Jack the ripper ". Sent to the Central News Agency, on Fleet Street and written with red ink, it said: " I will not leave my task of mangling prostitutes. And I will continue doing it until they catch me. The last work I did it well. keep this letter, without publicishing it, up to my next work. They can call me by my pen name ".
After many murders, on September 30, the police receives Jack's second letter: " My dear chief: Thank you for having kept my previous letter up to this moment, in which again I go to the street to work"
On November 9, 1888 Jack the Ripper says goodbye with Marie Kelly's murder, also prostitute and alcoholic. She was found dead in her room in Miller's Court street n ยบ 13 of Whitchapel.
The woman found on her bed, lying down on her back, she was naked, and her ears, nose and bossom had been removed. The letters "FM", were seen in a wall of the room, initials of "fucking mother ". James Maybrick was referring this way in his diary to Florencia Maybrick, his supposed wife.
At the time many suspicions existed though none was demonstrated. The most dangerous for the social system was that Jack was Edward, the duke of Clarence, son of king Eduard VII, who died, at the age of 28 years, after this series of murders.
Without never knowing the one who was the cause, the legend has continued living. At the end of 1991 the diary of James Maybrick was discovered, the supposed Ripper, where there was a record of the information that only the police knew.